Mission and Vision of the Ridgefield Park Reformed Presbyterian Church
“It is the mission of the Church to preserve, maintain and proclaim to the whole world the Gospel of Jesus Christ and the whole counsel of God; to gather into her fellowship those of every race and people who accept Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord, and promise obedience to Him; to build them up in their most holy faith, and train them to be faithful witnesses for Christ in all his offices; to maintain the ordinances of divine worship in their purity; witness against all evil; and in every way to seek the advancement of the Kingdom of God on earth.” — Reformed Presbyterian Testimony 25:2
For God’s glory the Ridgefield Park RPC worships God in spirit and
truth, and seeks to equip the saints to proclaim and apply the whole counsel of
God over all of life in word and deed, and to faithfully witness to those in
Ridgefield Park, in the surrounding towns, and in the nations.
Core Values concerning the Four Primary Biblical Purposes of the Church
We desire to exhibit Christ and His saving benefits through the God-ordained elements of worship: prayer; praise with psalms; and the reading, preaching, and hearing of the Word of God; the presentation of the offering; the benediction; and the administration of the sacraments—Baptism and the Lord’s Supper
Covenantal Worship
We assemble in God’s presence to honor Him and receive His covenant promise through the means of grace: the Word, sacraments, and prayer
Family Worship
We come before God regularly during the week as individuals and as families for times of devotion and worship
Learning and Discipleship
In-depth Teaching
We provide teaching that leads people to maturity in Christ, which is evidenced by their faith and practice and worldview
Discipleship of Multiplication
We desire to train men and women to follow Christ with the intention of equipping them to train others
Fellowship and Community
Harmonious People
We desire to have a love for one another that leads to mutual encouragement and edification in Christ
Fellowshipping People
We desire to meet weekly in smaller groups for teaching, fellowship, and prayer
Thankful People
We desire to be satisfied with the place and condition of life that God has granted
Evangelism and Mission
Kingdom Prayer
We desire to pray with one another for the gospel to destroy the works of Satan so that the Kingdom of God comes on earth as it is in heaven
Changed People
We desire to proclaim the gospel toward liberating those in bondage to sin in Ridgefield Park, in the surrounding towns, and in the nations
Cultural Renewal
We desire to teach Christians to have an impact on the behaviors, beliefs, and worldviews of those in Ridgefield Park and in the surrounding towns
Gospel-Centered Mercy
We desire to minister in the name of Christ to bring the gospel to bear on the physical and spiritual needs of those in distress, especially locally